
Progetto Eco Sailing Hub

Play District – Spazi Civici di Comunità

L'ASD Peepul Sport Onlus con il progetto “Eco Sailing Hub” è tra le associazioni sportive ammesse all’erogazione del finanziamento “Play District – Spazi Civici di Comunità!”
Un’iniziativa promossa dal Dipartimento per le politiche giovanili e il servizio civile universale – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri in collaborazione con Sport e Salute per finanziare e sostenere progetti di innovazione sociale che prevedano la creazione e il rafforzamento di Spazi Civici di comunità giovanile.

Campania for all 4.0 project by Cosy for you

In summary, the goal of the project is the creation of "Campania accessible itineraries" in which a network of organizations engaged in Accessible Tourism is represented, involved and conveyed through innovative methods of conveyance and promotion. In particular, with the project we equip ourselves with the technology that, by allowing us to "virtually immerse ourselves" in the proposed itineraries, allows tourists to ascertain not only the beauty of the destination locations but also the quality of the services offered and the related attention paid to those with special needs.

Project funded under thePublic notice "Interventions for the strengthening of tourism intermediation for the repositioning and revitalization of the regional tourism offer POR Campania FESR 2014/2020 O.S. 6.8 Competitive repositioning of tourist destinations Az.6.8.3 Resolution of the Regional Council No. 258 of 26.05.2020 - Executive Decree No. 386 of September 11, 2020" - CUP B69J21020780007- Amount of contribution euro 84,982.63.

A.S.D. Peepul Sport Project.

"VELA - Enhancement of Free Skills Empowerment" co-funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Youth Policy and Civil Service under the Action and Cohesion Plan Notice "Youth for the Social 2018."

The overall goal of the project is to promote equal opportunities and social inclusion of people with special needs through sailing and the sea, a scenario for experimenting with innovative sports usability services, a generator of socialization and integration processes, and the development of physical, social and relational skills.

Through the proposed activities the achievement of the following specific objectives will be aimed:
1) Inform about the opportunities, open to all, to experience the sea (a resource that is often little used and denied to the recipients and to the local community) and the activities connected to it, by attending sailing courses;
2) To carry out 120 innovative approach to sailing courses both in relation to the final beneficiaries and in relation to a sporting discipline which to date is not adequately promoted, especially among the target of the project recipients.
3) Promote sport for all in contact with the sea.
4) Consolidate a competitive sailing group, in order to increase the positive examples / testimonials of sportsmen capable of competing on an equal footing with other "able-bodied" athletes.

5) Promote a culture of sport for all, intended first of all as an instrument of relationship, sharing and aggregation.

The sailing school

Project of the Peepul Onlus Voluntary Association - On the side of the disabled!

"The carousel of equal opportunities" co-funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Youth Policy and Civil Service under the Action and Cohesion Plan Notice "Youth for the Social 2018."

Peepul Association has been committed for years to provide the most necessary services, such as information and initial reception, empowerment and socialization workshops, job orientation, and vocational training and refresher courses.

"The Equal Opportunity Carousel" activates such services in a more innovative and creative way.

Indeed, the project aims to release 'disability' from the primacy of rehabilitation and care to become a subject of reflection and cultural elaboration through:

  • the enhancement of expressive and relational potential in the artistic and performing arts (empowerment i.e., recognition and personal growth)-hidden and/or unexpressed due to objective difficulties and/or discrimination toward diversity-of people with physical, mental and sensory disabilities;
  • The promotion of integration between differently abled and able-bodied people as an experience of individual and relational development;
  • the development of a modern communication product that is effective in raising awareness of diversity issues through the reproduction/actualization of the advertisements of the famous 1960s/70s program "Carousel," with the object going from advertising/commercial to social, aimed at launching a message against all forms of discrimination (toward the disabled, lgbt, non-EU, people in poverty and other religions).
  • The identification of innovative work paths.

The carousel project

"Cosy for You" Social Cooperative Project

Social Educational Center "Cosy For You" - co-financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Youth Policy and Civil Service under Action and Cohesion Plan Notice "Youth for the Enhancement of Public Goods 2018."

The initiative has as its overall objective the revitalization of the premises located in the basement of the Poerio school in order to increase opportunities for young people with disabilities (especially if economically disadvantaged) to carry out recreational activities and enhancement of their abilities, offering a modulated response to real needs.

It is aimed at offering the area, which lacks one, a new resource for the world of disabilities, providing assistance in solving the problems of daily life and promoting processes of autonomy and empowerment, socialization and integration (including employment).

Specifically, this means:

  • Promote integrated educational-rehabilitative interventions for the disabled person, with full respect for his or her dignity as a person;
  • Improve cognitive and relational skills and reduce problem behaviors of residents, which are a major obstacle to the development and maintenance of appropriate relationships with the social environment outside the family;
  • To develop the 'other' skills present in each subject in order to prepare them for their possible entry into the world of work;
  • Organize entertainment and leisure spaces that allow real and satisfactory enjoyment of leisure time by people with disabilities, so as to enable their active and comprehensive participation in the services offered by the territory.

The workshops

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