Friendly company

If you share our mission, if you like our activities ... let's believe together and support us!

Each company has the opportunity to become friendly company and to present itself to consumers with adifferent picture, closer to the concrete problems of society.

Major companies already carry out support campaigns a socially useful projects, demonstrating the importance of corporate social responsibility.


Supportive company

Social responsibility for a company is the integration of its business with a manifest willingness to help address issues of social and ethical impact. In the direction of a better future for all consumers who reward the company that knows how to add the value of solidarity to its brand.

Important surveys (Cone / Roper) show that the 92% of consumers has a positive image of companies that support a social cause. Consumers' 82% tends to prefer a brand associated with a social cause (for the same price and quality). Source: Ipsos-Explorer, 2002.

"Cause related marketing"

Today, more and more companies are inserting cause-related marketing campaigns into their strategies, that is, associating their image with socially useful projects.

Become a shareholder of the social

Every entrepreneur's gesture of solidarity will be appreciated and shared by all. Together with us, you will give those who have fewer opportunities the chance to live life to the fullest, get back into the game and become protagonists of their lives and society once again.

Each company can choose to contribute to supporting the different programs that the Peepul Group carries out or it can support a specific project.

What a friendly company can do

The friendly company can support the projects and action of Peepul Group, including implementing initiatives capable of reconciling strategic business needs with social commitment.

  • Sponsorship Of a communication campaign or support of events organized by Peepul. In order to raise awareness and inform the public, to explore specific topics (seminars and conferences) or to raise funds (galas, parties etc..). The donor company's brand appears in co-branding with Peepul on all communication materials produced.
  • Network promotion: The company acts as an intermediary to its customers by making its channels available for fundraising or awareness-raising initiatives.
  • Percentage on sales: the initiative is associated with a specific product (product line) or service and the donation to Peepul is represented by a percentage of sales.
    Consumers are involved in the solidarity project as each of their purchases generates a donation. The initiative can be communicated by the company through packaging, at the point of sale and with targeted communication campaigns.
  • Employee donations: program for which all staff can help support Peepul's programs by donating time off or working hours. To increase the significance of the project and communicate a sense of shared commitments, the company can choose to double the amount of the donation.
  • Donations in kind or services: in some cases Peepul can evaluate the possibility of receiving substantial donations of products or services from the company if strictly functional to its business.
  • Donation of the budget of giveaways and gadgets: the initiative consists of donating to Peepul resources intended for gifts to customers, suppliers, employees and collaborators, to contribute to socially useful projects. Recipients will receive a greeting card, signed by Peepul's president, in which the company will associate its logo with Peepul, which will make them participants in your gesture of solidarity.

Advice and orientation to support actions

Our dedicated partnership management team with experience in marketing, advertising, public relations and market research will work closely with your business team to build together a successful strategic alliance that is able to meet your needs.

After an analysis of your business and your business objectives, we will compare and establish together specific objectives and ways to achieve them through integrated communication projects.

If your company is committed to working with us, we are committed to working together for the success of your project.

Tax benefits for donors

It is possible to deduct donations in favor of ONLUS for an amount not exceeding 2,065.83 Euros or 2% of the declared business income (Article 100 paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree 917/86).
Or it is possible to deduct from one's own income the donations in favor of ONLUS for an amount not exceeding 10% of the total declared income and in any case up to a maximum of 70,000.00 Euros per year (Article 14 paragraph I of the Decree Law 35/05 converted into law n.80 of 14/05/2005).
Tax concessions cannot be combined with each other.